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First, make sure that BrazilCEP is installed and updated.

Let's get started with some simple examples.

Make a CEP request

Making a request is very simple. Begin by importing the BrazilCEP module:

>>> import brazilcep

Now, call the get_address_from_cep to query any CEP:

>>> address = brazilcep.get_address_from_cep('37503-130')

Now, we have a dict object called address. We can get all the address information we need from this object:

 >>> address
    'district': 'rua abc',
    'cep': '37503130',
    'city': 'city ABC',
    'street': 'str',
    'uf': 'str',
    'complement': 'str',

The CEP always must be a string.


BrazilCEP also supports set a request timeout. Use the timeout option. The default timeout is 5 seconds:

from brazilcep import get_address_from_cep

# set timeout to 10 seconds
get_address_from_cep('37503-130', timeout=10)


BrazilCEP also supports proxy setings following requests pattern. For more details, please official requests doc here.

from brazilcep import get_address_from_cep

proxies = {
    'https': "", 
    'http': '',

# set proxies
get_address_from_cep('37503-130', proxies=proxies)

Unsing differents API's


BrazilCEP was developed to integrate on-demand queries into web pages. Querying CEP in bulk through scripts or any other means is not recommended.


BrazilCEP is not responsible for the functioning, availability and support of any of these query API's. All of them are provided by third parties, and this library just provides a handy way to centralize the CEP search on these services.

By default, BrazilCEP uses the API provided by the ApiCEP service. To use other services, we must indicate the desired service when calling the get_address_from_cep function.

Begin by importing the BrazilCEP Webservice class:

>>> from brazilcep import get_address_from_cep, WebService

Now, call the get_address_from_cep method with webservice parameter.

>>> get_address_from_cep('37503-130', webservice=WebService.APICEP)
  'district': 'rua abc',
  'cep': '37503130',
  'city': 'city ABC',
  'street': 'str',
  'uf': 'str',
  'complement': 'str',
The possible values for the webservice parameter are:

  • Webservice.APICEP
  • Webservice.VIACEP

Errors and Exceptions

BrazilCEP also supports a group of exceptions that can be used to handle any errors that occur during the query process.

from brazilcep import get_address_from_cep, exceptions



# when provide CEP is invalid. Wrong size or with chars that dont be numbers.
except exceptions.InvalidCEP as eic:

# CEP is fine but not exist ou not found in request API's database
except exceptions.CEPNotFound as ecnf:

# many request exception
execept exceptions.BlockedByFlood as ebbf:

# general exceptions
except exceptions.BrazilCEPException as e: